A content audit is a large-scale examination of a site’s content. Its purpose is to determine the marketing impact of the content, identify errors and violations of search engine requirements, and detect irrelevant and ineffective pages that interfere with conversions.
The result of the audit should be a plan of action: what to remove, what to update and correct, and what to leave as is. After a competent content audit, the site is cleaner, the behavioral factors improve, and the ranking increases.
In this article, we’re going to break down exactly why a content audit is needed and why it’s done by experts. But first, we want to advise you of one great service. We are now talking about pc-ry. With its help, you can solve various website optimization tasks and save yourself a lot of time.
Moreover, this service also allows you to improve your site’s ranking thanks to numerous useful tools. For example, if you follow this: https://pr-cy.io/tools/keywords-rank-checker/ link, you can find out which keywords you should use when writing content and which ones you shouldn’t.
The benefits of conducting an audit
Here are just a few of the benefits that come with doing an audit on time.
Increase in sales
Users will note the usefulness and fullness of the resource relative to competitors only if the site or service is convenient and attractive. Audit and follow-up activities will make the traffic grow, and search engines, in turn, will find your resource use and will raise its ranking.
All of this will result in customers seeing your site in search engine rankings, which will drive organic traffic. An audit is a tool for improvement and progress. With it, you’ll build a strong reputation and understand where the flaws lie.
Improving usability
An audit looks for weaknesses in a web resource’s content. The information obtained helps to learn the details of customer-friendly usage. Moreover, the usability will make the resource engaging: potential customers will explore the pages and the product by clicking on convenient links, resulting in a sure increase in conversion.

Attracting a new audience
An audit also expands your potential audience. With it, you get a unique stream of people interested in buying. Your position will grow if you take intelligent action based on the data you receive after the audit. Your customers will recommend you to their acquaintances, and as a result, you can expect steady growth in new customers.
Do content audits have disadvantages?
Unfortunately, while a content audit is extremely useful, it also has one unpleasant downside. But this disadvantage lies not in the audit itself but in the fact that the deficiencies identified during the audit will have to be addressed by you personally. Of course, you can apply to some organizations and order them to conduct an audit, but the fact remains.
What are the stages of a content audit, and how long will it take?
In most cases, audit activities vary from site to site, as different tools and methods are used for different projects. Nevertheless, here’s a sample audit plan:
- Draw up a common table with all the URLs of the pages of the site where the content is located.
- Analyze the content of the pages with the help of special tools. If the site is large, then manual analysis of pages should be carried out selectively, or it will cost a ridiculous amount of time.
- Analyze the optimization of the site pages for compliance with the contents of the metatags to certain keywords.
- Describe the current situation of the site and make a recommendation to improve the content and develop a new content strategy.
The timing of any audit also depends on the site and the number of pages on it. A relatively small resource (200-300 pages) can be analyzed in a few days, but the analysis of large portals – is a significantly longer process, which may take more than one month.